Saturday, February 20, 2010



Saturday, February 13, 2010

[I Love You Like...]

Happy Valentines Day!
The following are a few things I've been loving lately.

1. planning eccentric vacations for my idealistic future
2. liberal lovin'
4. up
6. blue foundation

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

the bedroom is where the heart is

I have recently renovated my bedroom; an activity I find peace with.

Here are a few things in my room that I love:

Here are a few things that I love which I wish were in my room:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I Dream of Painting and Then I Paint My Dream is perhaps my most favorite place to shop.

Here are a few new finds I wish I could call my own... (yes, I should be sleeping instead of fantasizing about the possessions I one day hope to have.)

art above by jkiddesign, shirae, greasychickenface, and yellena all on

How I do Love You

This weekend I watched New York, I Love You. It was a true depiction of honest, semi-dysfunctional, big-city love (or so I think).

With Valentines Day around the corner, and although, in all honesty, I personally plan on expressing my love for family and friends rather than a particular someone, here are some of my favorite love oriented movies:

Away We Go (heartfelt love)

Two Days In Paris (parisian love)

Garden State (dry-humor love)

Almost Famous (innocent, hippy love)


*Photos courtesy of Google.