Some of my very first posts on this blog heavily dealt with the idea of traditions, ultimately suggesting that traditions are very important to me- and they are. As the season transitions or a holiday or annual event approaches, I naturally feel the need to begin checking off the list of traditions tied to the event in my head. This includes apple picking in Autumn and then cooking an apple pie with my Sister, eating my mom's customary ice box cake on my birthday, and opening an "elf" gift Christmas Eve morning- a long-established ritual in my family. This year, I have often blogged about change. As an honor to the two reoccurring themes I so often ponder, I am now going to write a post about the two: establishing new traditions.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
New Traditions
Some of my very first posts on this blog heavily dealt with the idea of traditions, ultimately suggesting that traditions are very important to me- and they are. As the season transitions or a holiday or annual event approaches, I naturally feel the need to begin checking off the list of traditions tied to the event in my head. This includes apple picking in Autumn and then cooking an apple pie with my Sister, eating my mom's customary ice box cake on my birthday, and opening an "elf" gift Christmas Eve morning- a long-established ritual in my family. This year, I have often blogged about change. As an honor to the two reoccurring themes I so often ponder, I am now going to write a post about the two: establishing new traditions.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
College How-To: Shopping for the Holidays
For example, this year I decided to settle with a "from Vermont" theme. Each gift I purchased for my family members came from one of the many small boutique's in downtown Burlington, that way they were all personal and symbolized a transition we have all experienced this year.
Happy Shopping!
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Awesome People Hanging Out Together

Friday, November 18, 2011
Home is where the heart is...
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Movie Therapy
What movies are on your list?
"Rock 'n' roll is a lifestyle and a way of thinking... and it's not about money and popularity. Although, some money would be nice. But it's a voice that says, "Here I am... and fuck you if you can't understand me." And one of these people is gonna save the world. And that means that rock 'n' roll can save the world... all of us together. And the chicks are great. But what it all comes down to is that thing. The indefinable thing when people catch something in your music."
*Photos courtesy of Google*
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Six Things To Savor
1. This tattoo.
3. Chic holiday side bun.
4. Gorgeous gemstone earrings; also perfect for the holidays.
5. Primose yarn from Knitty City... now a favored destination on my list of things to do during November break having just picked-up knitting again!
6. Mexican hot chocolate with dulce de leche spiced cream. My new favorite recipe.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Sculptural Jewels

Monday, October 31, 2011
Halloween Inspiration Board
Friday, October 21, 2011
Trend and Its Influence: Tights
Monday, October 17, 2011
Autumn in Vermont
Happy fall!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Sisterly Love
Cooking, cooking and lots of cooking. We are foodies at heart and enjoy creating food as much as we enjoy eating it. This gem of a recipe is without-a-doubt on the list of things to cook.
Thrifting. My mom, sister and I have recently established a tradition of taking a ritualistic Sunday trip to a local antique shop back home, all being thrifters and heavily interested in antiques and bobbles of all sorts.
Crafting. Though the possibilities are endless, I know my sister and I will inevitably spend time crafting once reunited... perhaps making this necklace, a craft project I've been eyeing.
Going to the movies (or cuddling up beneath a comforter and watching them at home.) Yet another basic pastime. A diminutive theater resides in the next town over back home, offering home-baked items to munch on and a select four or so indie films for viewing. These few flicks are on my current list of must-see's: 50/50, The Debt and Restless.
*Photos courtesy of*
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
It's All About the Soil
Two summer's ago, I participated in a community service program in the UK that focused on the significance of both the Slow Food Movement and Organic Farmingcc (as mentioned here.) Part of the program consisted of living on an organic meat farm on the Welsh coast. During this time, I met Peter Seger, owner of nearby Blaencamel Farm (and one of the first organic farms in the UK) who later became the principle subject in one of my college essay options, and then, just now, appeared on my computer screen as a result of my StumbleUpon-ing.
Below you will find my snippet of writing on the inspirational green thumb, as well as a video of his speech on soil and the benefits of treating it equal to human.
The Joys of Rain
It was raining the day I met Peter Segger. This I remember, for it was because of the rain that he presented a smile he claimed was “just an inch wider” than his smile on the days where it’s nor raining or sunny.
“This is the weather we depend on,” he continued, as he placed a lit cigarette in his mouth, brushed his wrinkled hand through his white hair and delicately pulled on a leaf from the plant stem beside him. I forced a chuckle in response, my eyes fixated on the grey sky, and my mind fixated on the absurd notion of being excited by cold and wet weather.
“If Wales had just a slightly increased probability of sunny days throughout the year, I might consider moving here,” I thought.
The group and I followed Peter throughout his haven; a swarming collection of green with an every-so-often burst of red, purple, orange or yellow. The greenhouse, structured with plastic wrapping and metal poles, was a spacious sanctuary that played host to, quite literally, the fruits (and vegetables) of his labor. The humid area was divided into rows of families. The tomatoes’ inhabited the far left, while the cauliflower occupied the far right. The potatoes, peppers and aubergines, or what American’s recognize as “eggplant”, seized the space in-between, making a perfectly established niche for a farmer.
We were lead outside, where, again, a pattern of-sorts was developed on the saturated land. Wide lines of compost lay adjacent to one another, stretching from our feet to the far end of the pasture. Peter spoke again, and here I recognized the deep and almost fulfilled tone of his accented voice: “Now, this is the basis for this farm. Other than the sun and rain, this fertilizer is the key component to organic farming.”
I sprung my hands out in front of me as we continued on to our last destination, hoping to avoid the possibility of slipping on the sticky mud below my Wellies. We eventually reached a clearing that, from standing in the wood we had come from, temporarily made the day look bright rather than overcast. Among the clearing was a sea of vegetation; a vast supply of jade colored blossoms bigger than an average person’s head.
“And this is our field of lettuce; our glory field, if you will,” Peter said. The ground extended to the point where the lettuce became blurry, making it a mystery to all of as to when the foliage stopped growing. A common “awe” was shared among the group as we simply stared at Peter’s glory field.
“This very land here constantly reminds me why I do what I do,” he slowly inhaled his cigarette. “Organic farming is so much more than the production of generally healthy, chemical-free food. It doesn’t emit the amount of fossil fuels conventional farming does, and it doesn’t require the use and waste of both pesticides and synthetic fertilizers,” Again, he placed his cigarette to his lips. “It was my generation who brought the issues of global warming upon your generation due to selfishness and resistance to facing the truth. This is my way of giving back to you.” Peter inhaled his cigarette one last time, gazing carefully across the field while softly nodding. I looked up at the grey sky, and smiled.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Six Things to Savor
1. Bold jewelry pieces that make a statement, like this pyrite and chain collar necklace.
2. "Balloons" inspiration board, via Pinterest, a new obsession.
3. 5 fall essentials.
4. City art (I purchased the custom print above for my friends as we depart for college, so we forever remember where we came from.)
5. Phantogram.
6. Stunning Miu Miu Inspired Gold-Glitter Cake.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
How Children Describe Love
My sister, Kait, and I find interest in nearly all the same things, most of which are either corny, quirky, witty and/or sentimental. The Things About Love site published a post that is just that- a collection of quotes by young children describing what they believe love is. It may not come as a surprise that I have to thank my sister for showing me the page. It was such a sweet finding that surely proves that children frequently outsmart adults when it comes to understanding sometimes complex aspects of life.
Below are some of my favorite renditions accompanied by a few fitting prints by Etsy artist Shira Sela- I love the youthful innocence and wonders the prints depict! Enjoy!
“When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different.
You just know that your name is safe in their mouth.”
Billy – age 4
“Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other.”
Karl – age 5
“Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen.”
Bobby – age 7
“If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate.”
“When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you.”
Karen – age 7